Our Story

The idea for Anchor Cape came to me when someone close to me had their vehicle windows smashed and tools stolen... but tools are very bulky, so how can they be covered from the view of thieves without being obvious?

Finding the friendly-use materials and creating the current invention took much searching, testing, and discovering, but I could not forget the devastation that smash-and-grab caused including getting quotes from repair shops, missing work, filing insurance claims, cleaning up the glass, trying to replace the stolen items, having to rent a truck and so much more. Vehicle smash-and-grabs seem to be in the news more and more, causing much ongoing devastation. All the continuous research and work to create Anchor Cape is worthwhile to change one life for the better, ...but even more-better (is that a phrase?), Anchor Cape was designed to generate reoccurring smiles of relief to moms, dads, and business people, students with cars, athletes, trade-workers with tools and equipment, and drivers of any age in their sudden moments of needing to cover their belongs efficiently and effectively, away from the view of thieves... with a product that does not attract lint, is washable, odorless, soft to the touch, lightweight but with a thickness that does not cling to shapes (so black towel material did not work) and a material that could also help make vehicle interiors look nice, among the other needed features and benefits, like the different anchoring techniques!

Thieves can break into any vehicle they want, even vehicles that look empty, but the ultimate force that drives this creation is always present... the hope to help people make crime tough by covering their stuff! ...and to help their families too, one vehicle smash and grab theft can affect more than the person that owns the vehicle. Also, we must all lock our doors, park in the safest areas possible, and cover our stuff before arriving at the destination where thieves could be watching. Anchor Cape’s effectiveness is a team effort! And Anchor Cape is on your team! Sometimes it’s just, The Thieves vs. Us, and we want to win with Anchor Cape!

Thank you for visiting anchorcape.com and helping make crime tough! After you’ve had time to use your Anchor Cape, please contact us with your views.

Your kind feedback is appreciated! You should be completely happy with your experience. Also, if you have any questions about the product or even shipping just contact us.

Please check back for inspiring updates about where Anchor Cape is making a difference! The ongoing mission at Anchor Cape starts with, “Do everything in love. 1 Cor. 16:14” and continues to grow with additional upcoming patent pending designs to help make crime tough!
Stay tuned Friends!

You Are Very Appreciated!

Anchor Cape